About magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is a natural and organism-friendly physical treatment method. The pulsating magnetic field affects human body tissues at cellular level, leading to suppression or eventual elimination of some health problems, cleansing the organism and cell regeneration. The level of current knowledge makes it possible to use this method effectively to treat the consequences of diseases, as well as prevent them. These purposes are fulfilled by magnetotherapy devices, which find its use in medicine, spa treatment and home rehabilitation.

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Basic information about pulse low-frequency magnetotherapy

In the last decade, pulse magnetotherapy has become a very popular alternative treatment method. Magnetic field therapy – magnetotherapy is currently considered a safe and very effective physical treatment method in professional circles. It’s also often called the "21st century treatment method". However, this isn’t about using simple static magnets (bracelets, bandages or small chains), but a highly effective treatment with a low-frequency pulsed magnetic field.

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Use of magnetotherapy for treatment, rehabilitation and regeneration

Pulse magnetotherapy represents an effective alternative to the current overuse of pharmacological treatment. One of the greatest advantages of magnetotherapy is that it’s natural, and therefore not addictive, unlike many pharmacological treatments. Until recently, the healing and regenerative power of electromagnetic energy has been used primarily in clinical practice in hospitals and professional rehabilitation facilities. Thanks to many years’ experience, work and development at ZES Brno, a.s. current pulse magnetotherapy home care is also available.

Magnetotherapy is extraordinarily effective in treating swelling (oedema). Magnetic fields also widen small blood vessels and improve blood circulation. This feature helps mitigate some of the effects of diabetes. The effects of magnetotherapy are also seen in treating migraines or tinnitus. It can also be applied to the treatment of some psychological disorders (e.g. sleep), or degenerative diseases (Bechterew’s disease, rheumatism). Renaissance magnetotherapy devices are also used in periodontitis, arthrosis and arthritis, postoperative convalescence, in the wound healing process, in sciatica and other musculoskeletal problems. Magnetotherapy is also an excellent tool in the fight against modern civilisation diseases. For a detailed description of the effects of magnetotherapy and application of magnetotherapy devices on specific health problems and diagnoses, see the Therapeutic Effects of Magnetotherapy section.

Magnetotherapy isn’t a method that’s only intended for an elderly or sick organism. Athletes know Renaissance magnetotherapy from the rehabilitation processes, and from relaxation after strenuous performance.

The best selling magnetotherapy devices for a wide range of uses

Complete sets
VIVA set

VIVA set

Most people use a magnetotherapy device for sore and damaged joints and back. VIVA set consists of ideal components which fit this purpose. It can be used for most issues magnetotherapy issues.

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This set offers a true maximum use values of low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy.

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Magnetotherapy devices Renaissance have a wide range of uses

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Contraindications for the use of magnetotherapy: electronic medical equipment, during pregnancy, bleeding. More about contraindications here.
Read the operating instructions before use.
Magnetotherapy devices Renaissance
The Duo Forte magnetotherapy medical device is a device designed for treatment with a low-frequency magnetic field in the home and clinical environment. Duo Forte is applicable to treatment in physiotherapy, also focusing on specific health problems.
We meet all standards for medical devices. We offer warranty, service and customer support and care.
© Magnetotherapy Renaissance® E-mail: support@magnetotherapyforhealth.com