Aplicators for Renaissance Magnetotherapeutic devices

CAVO Applicator

CAVO Applicator

The best applicator for treating diseases of the joints, cervical spine, headaches, teeth, tinnitus, some neurological problems, etc.

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LETTINO Applicator

LETTINO Applicator

Applicator suitable for application across the whole spine, including buttocks and head. It’s also excellent for treating lower limb disorders (especially in diabetes) and their joints.

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MANIC Applicator

MANIC Applicator

Small applicator designed for targeted application, for example on ears, teeth, neck, smaller joints, regeneration of internal organs (liver, stomach, uterus, prostate, etc.).

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PIANO Applicator

PIANO Applicator

An applicator designed especially for use on the back area but also for therapy of internal organs situated in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The applicator may also be used for extremities and large joints.

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CASSO Applicator

CASSO Applicator

The largest of the “bed” type applicators designed for whole-body regeneration.

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VIERA Applicator

VIERA Applicator

Thanks to this applicator, the regenerative, pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effects of the pulsed magnetic field can manifest itself by uniformly penetrating the entire thickness of the treated tissue. For example, in arthritis of the knee and hip joints, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain of various origins, osteoporosis and many other diseases.

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Using the magnetotherapeutic device is simple

Simply place the applicator on your body, run the programme and let the magnetotherapy work

Demonstration of the use of the magnetotherapy device Renaissance

Demonstration of the use of the magnetotherapy device Renaissance

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I want an advice
Contraindications for the use of magnetotherapy: electronic medical equipment, during pregnancy, bleeding. More about contraindications here.
Read the operating instructions before use.
Magnetotherapy devices Renaissance
The Duo Forte magnetotherapy medical device is a device designed for treatment with a low-frequency magnetic field in the home and clinical environment. Duo Forte is applicable to treatment in physiotherapy, also focusing on specific health problems.
We meet all standards for medical devices. We offer warranty, service and customer support and care.
© Magnetotherapy Renaissance® E-mail: support@magnetotherapyforhealth.com