Best used for the following body parts:

feethip, pelvis, genitalschest, abdomenhandsbackhead and neckwhole body
Availability: In stock, available immediately
SIECCO set description, suitability for use:

The SIECO magnetotherapy set includes a large bed CASSO applicator and a small flat MANIC applicator.

CASSO applicator: Due to its dimensions, the CASSO applicator is predestined for total regeneration. Lying on it, you can use the effects of low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy literally from head to toe. CASSO is structurally designed so that the intensity of the magnetic field is even over the entire surface of the applicator and the effects of the field thus affect every part of your body. This is very important because the human musculoskeletal system functions as an indivisible whole.

MANIC applicator: Due to its size, the MANIC applicator generates an intense magnetic field. The possibilities of its use are really wide. Can be used on knee and hip joints, elbows and wrists. It can be used for intensive targeted application to various organs and tissues, it is applied to the ears and teeth.

SIECCO set includes:

Examples of the possibilities of using the aplicator CASSO

Example of using the applicator CASSO (photo 1)
Example of using the applicator CASSO (photo 2)
Example of using the applicator CASSO (photo 3)
Example of the size of the CASSO applicator (photo 1)
Example of the size of the CASSO applicator (photo 2)
CASSO applicator: bending options and composition of individual parts, side view
CASSO applicator: folded

Examples of the possibilities of using the aplicator MANIC

Example of using the applicator (photo 1)
Example of using the applicator (photo 2)
Example of using the applicator (photo 3)
Example of using the applicator (photo 4)
Example of using the applicator (photo 5)
Example of using the applicator (photo 6)
Example of using the applicator (photo 7)
MANIC applicator: front of the applicator
MANIC applicator: back of the applicator with cover
MANIC applicator: built vertically

Možnosti použití aplikátoru CASSO

Možnosti použití aplikátoru MANIC

Možnosti použití generátoru DUO FORTE

Průběh siločar magnetického pole aplikátoru CASSO

The direction of magnetic field lines of the applicator CASSO

Průběh siločar magnetického pole aplikátoru MANIC

The direction of magnetic field lines of the applicator MANIC

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Using the magnetotherapeutic device is simple

Simply place the applicator on your body, run the programme and let the magnetotherapy work

Demonstration of the use of the magnetotherapy device Renaissance

Demonstration of the use of the magnetotherapy device Renaissance

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I want an advice
Contraindications for the use of magnetotherapy: electronic medical equipment, during pregnancy, bleeding. More about contraindications here.
Read the operating instructions before use.
Magnetotherapy devices Renaissance
The Duo Forte magnetotherapy medical device is a device designed for treatment with a low-frequency magnetic field in the home and clinical environment. Duo Forte is applicable to treatment in physiotherapy, also focusing on specific health problems.
We meet all standards for medical devices. We offer warranty, service and customer support and care.
© Magnetotherapy Renaissance® E-mail: